As a Special Needs Trust Attorney, we advise parents and families with planning for special needs individuals of all ages.
Special needs planning, when done correctly by a qualified attorney, can provide on-going supplemental support for a disabled individual while preserving government needs-based benefits and provides a lifetime of money management that benefits the person with special needs.
Protecting Government Benefits
Individuals with special needs often receive government benefits such as Social Security disability benefits (e.g. SSI), SNAP (foodstamps), subsidized housing (Section 8), and Medicaid (MassHealth). Should a disabled individual receive an inheritance it could jeopardize their benefit status. These government benefits provide financial support and essential services for the recipient.
Personal injury settlements, gifts, inheritances, and monthly allowances can disqualify an adult with special needs from qualifying or continuing to receive these vitally important benefit programs. One of the best ways to make sure that your adult child with special needs continues to receive these benefits is to create a special needs trust.
To schedule an initial consultation contact Walecka Law, P.C. at 774-203-9003 or